…Is in her fifties and looks fabulous for it. A graduate of the university of life, she has worked her way from humble beginnings to a very comfortable bungalow in the suburbs. She is the only lady in her street who still feels marigolds and a well-scrubbed front doorstep are prerequisites for good, clean living. Quite aware she is in a minority on this front, her own high standards are in no danger of slipping, and consequently she brooks no nonsense from her gentlemen.
Glenda feels it is her moral duty to expose, layer by layer, the filthy foibles and mucky little proclivities of her boys (she addresses all her gentlemen as ‘boys’.)
Her strong sense of moral rectitude means she is consistently shocked and appalled by what she discovers and tends to spend some significant time ensuring she has heard every last transgressive little detail. This might well lead to her finishing off her missives with some rather direct instruction on how a ‘boy’ might atone for his behaviour.
If she believes her subject to be sufficiently contrite, she might be willing to share some small details of her own life, personal experiences and clothing choices – all in the name of illuminating a gentleman’s path to genuine reform.